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Duis vestibulum neque ut pede. Fusce elit. Duis vestibulum neque ut pede. Fusce elit. Ut id enim.


I am so glad that you have found this place and it is my hope and prayer that you find encouragement. You'll be able to keep up with me, get the latest news and events and happenings in our ministries. You have become an important part of my ministry and I want you to know the purpose of my web site is to give praise to God. I hope you see that reflected throughout these pages and that you visit here often.

God bless! Thanks! |


Love, Sex and Success looks at the
power of true intimacy and reveals its true
expression. It looks at what is created by these
passionate forces....


All leaderships need vision, which
are sight, foresight, hindsight and keen insight
into these areas to make appropriate and crucial


Michael Lattiboudeaire
P.O. Box 278504
Miramar, Fl 33027 |
By phone:
Sunday - Friday
Times (9 - 17) |
By E-Mail:
Email us, click here.

