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Dear Friends & Partners,
May the grace and mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ encompass you and fulfill the entire promises that God the Father has promised you in Christ, amen.
I am writing you this letter by request of the Holy Spirit, who has encouraged me to write it and share with you what is taking place in this administration.
Friends, I had begun a stable and definitive walk with Jesus Christ from my youth to this very day. Daily, I have struggled with my cross, as my Lord struggled with his cross on the way to Golgotha. However, through it all I have learned to live ‘by the spirit of resurrection’ through our Lord Jesus Christ. I have also learned to live with the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.
Now I have reached a defining point in the entire process of being a Christian and performing the services of God towards Him and men. In this defining point, the Lord has asked me to make some very serious changes to ensure “good conscience and a good lifestyle towards those who outside the body of Christ”.
I have set the wheels of change into motion. I am confident that by the spirit of God, these changes will be as easy and simple as moving around on the moon. However, I must apply techniques to prevent these changes and myself from flying off the edge.
This is the time for this change and I am encouraged that you will join me in this act of obedience. We are not ‘responsible for the fruits of obedience just the act of it. I am confident that God will reward you for your allegiance with me to insure that God’s will be done.
Brethren, the event of 9/11 and its memory, had threatened to have many of us run in stark fear, as many cancelled missionary plans locally and on the foreign fields. In other areas saints became nervous as to how much they would commit of themselves to the will of God. The work of Satan was to cause us to be afraid and pull back from our commitment to Christ.
In it the spirit of some of the believers began to shrink. This shrinkage whether as precautionary or hindsight still led to a pulling back in faith rather than the ‘growth of faith’. This threatened to hijack ‘our faith’ and caused a retraction in our spirits. Our brother T.L. Osborn called it a period of ‘righteous living versus religious fears’.
To counteract Satan’s war, God called for an expansion. He said, “I want you to have a conference and call it ‘The Global Prophetic Expansion Expo”, that is why I have included the portraits on “Expansion of The Vision” by Dr. David Yonggi Cho on page 18. We did just that in April 2002 in having a prophetic conference in Toronto, Canada. The conference in essence was an absolute success.
We have paid a price for being obedient and we will always encounter cost and counter cost. However, I am straitened to obey God at ‘every cost’.
The Lord has asked me to put together this book, entitled “Jubilante: The Joys of Intercession”. This book is the authority on Intercession and Intercessory Prayers. It is God’s answer to a boring, sluggish and religious prayer life. It is full of inspiration, spark and power. I am inviting you to get this book and support me by reading and following its instructions. It will forever change your life, causing you to build your life on a rock solid foundation of faith and righteousness.
I am asking you and your families, friends and neighbors, pastors and leaders to respond by reading and applying the content of this book. Then I am asking you to respond to me by letter, e-mail, fax or which ever means is convenient for you. I want you to join me on our next ‘quest to victory’. You can bet believe you will hear from me, for we are on a quest to celebrate the victories of Jesus Christ in our lives and we will make the devil pay for all he has done in lying and deceiving our brothers.
After this, I will be preparing another work called, “The Graces of Intercession”. I am therefore asking you to strive together with me in your prayers to God that I will be delivered from the deceit of unreasonable and wicked persons who seek to limit, stop or hinder what the Lord has commissioned me to do. I am also asking you to pray that the message that have been given to me by God may have ‘free course to run’ and be glorified.
Pray for me that God would open doors of utterance for me to preach the mystery of Christ and be delivered from religious people who practice robbery in ministry to suit themselves.
Above all my brothers and friends, pray that I may be delivered from the spirit of the super-apostle. This spirit has robbed many and I have encountered it in a dreamed as it had slapped me in the face. But I am determined through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that this should not continue any further. Finally, pray and financially support this administration that God has given me.
Brethren, you have heard of God’s word through me and believe that God will take me far and wide, even away from mine own people to other brothers in Christ. However, through Satan’s deceit, he has fought against this known will using unscrupulous persons to prevent the establishment of a strong administration. He had fought against me in giving to others, their work in Christ. Therefore, I duly need your prayerful financial support for this administration’s ministries and its offices.
Let me hear of your good work and support by responding as soon as possible.
Faithfully in Christ,
Michael Lattiboudeaire


Michael Lattiboudeaire
P.O. Box 278504
Miramar, Florida 33027 |
By phone:
Sunday - Friday
Times (9 - 17) |
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