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Greetings to Bishop Marshall & Teresa McGill, Head of Kingdom Metropolitan Worship Center, greetings also to your family!
Greetings to the Elders & Deacons along with the Five-fold ministers and associate Pastors and department heads.
I Bring greetings to everyone from the Lord Jesus Christ, my Head and Supreme Commander, who is also our servant Intercessor and brother.
I bring greetings from The Great House Ministries, Int’l Inc. of which I am the Pastor, pastor of a spirit-filled kingdom Church and the staff with us and aboard. I am also bringing greetings to your heart from the peace of my home.
Good Morning everyone! Good Morning Church! Everybody shout! Good morning! God bless you and let Everyone say “Praise The Lord”
Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Present Ruling King, Amen.


Michael Lattiboudeaire
P.O. Box 278504
Miramar, Florida 33027 |
By phone:
Sunday - Friday
Times (9 - 17) |
By E-Mail:
Email us, click here.

