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I was thinking that in the kind of world that we live and the work that we do, many men and women loose touch with reality quickly, because of pain, lost and brokenness.
Therefore, the power of Opulence and Influence are necessary to bring them back into touch with the God of Love who is the God of reality, for God is Love...
Let's take a look at Isaiah 62..this text is just full of a man's affectionate love and passion for His God, His City, His nation, His people, and the goodness (righteousness that is in the God of His Love)...Note the words of Passion that he uses...and a passionate can only speak of a thing according to the degree of his experience...
He uses words like "I won't hold my peace..", "I won't rest..", in verse 1;
This is courtship. Like a Maasai Warrior dancing over his girl or certain African birds that perform ritualistic courtship...like a peacock.. like he is shouting about something beautiful hidden within her and according to him, everybody will see the power of His love that brings it out of her and display it to the World(Gentiles)...This is Stevie Wonder's "Castle of Love"!!!
Verse 4...Then he said, "You will no longer be termed Forsaken...neither your land be termed Desolate.." indicating abandonment because the relationship had broken down (in this case Israel was in bondage in Babylon and all of her wealth was capture by the Babylonians, who took her national treasury and put it into their treasury. It is exactly like in a divorce situation, in that all your money, plans, wealth and futures (options of life) will get messed up.
It is like a singled- mother home with no man in the household, her house is called Desolate. This is the nature of many of our community, where many household, lead by the black community is headed by a single-parent...largely so, 78% of our household is headed by female...this is what we call desolation in our community!! But still God has a passionate love for us, like desolate Israel in bondage in Babylon and the poorer Jews are left to glean from an arid condition of existence. But in love is the power to hope and dream of a brighter future pregnant with life and love.
Its like in...(Matthew 23: 36-38)..O Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, you who kills the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings(Psalms 91:4), but you were not willing (since you would not be gathered(or come together under the banner of my passionate love)...look your house is left to you DESOLATE!!!
Then he uses words like the brothers do. I'm outa here. (the real quotes scriptures are ...)
"Therefore your house is left desolate unto you, until you learn (to worship) by saying, vs. Verse 39."Hosanna, blessed is he that comes in the Name of the Lord.


Michael Lattiboudeaire
P.O. Box 278504
Miramar, Florida 33027 |
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Times (9 - 17) |
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