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"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he".
The idea of 'vision' is derived from an Hebrew word of both the verb and noun tense, as we know in English. It brings together both the context and content of the idea to produce what we call the imperative now. The uniqueness of the Hebrew language is what is understood as its imperative imprecation. Plainly, it is not how it is going to happen, but the surety of when is always sought. It castrates and handicap any unbelief with its certainly of fulfillment. The prophetic voice of God, His proclaimed message, its application and absolute authority, is not related to, if it will come to pass in the passive voice, but it holds more significant purpose of when what is said will come to pass. The active voice of the verb and noun tense settle immediately the absolute certainly that what God has said, He is able to perform and will bring to pass. It settles the fact that there is no schizophrenia in the mind of God and demands of us that we serve Him with absolute certainly, without a shadow of doubt in our mind.
Thus, Prophetic Vision carries an absolute certainly of the mind of God, His purpose, plan and design. If we can effectively 'hold firm' to the vision of God without passivity or doubt, then we would have effectively grasp onto something and someone who ways and thoughts are higher than ours. It would assuredly lead us to believe and understand both the infallibility of the Divine Counsel and the absolute certainly of the given instructions. In other words, it would shatter a stronghold of schizophrenia that may have had a stronghold in our lives and give us hope of living a successful and prosperous life.
The word 'VISION' has roots that are found in a Chaldean-Hebraic heritage. For more specificity, its actual roots are found in the ancient Language. The Chaldean-Hebraic root word is 'CHAZAH' and 'CHAZOWN' which simply means, to gaze upon; (mentally), to dream, be usual (relevant, being expected according to custom or habit): behold, have (a dream), see, be won't (accustomed, habitual). To gaze at; (mentally), to perceive, to contemplate (with pleasure): specifically, to have a vision of: behold, look, prophesy, PROVIDE, see (that is, according to 'Chazown' *2377): a sight (mentally), that is, [a dream, revelation or oracle].
It is interesting of the word that is content which is largely cultural with its verb all tend to be used to define activities that takes place in what we call 'the fluid region man', the fluid region of man is in the head. The thought convey through the word describe activities that takes place in man's life, that is not necessary causative of the natural world but at the same time is intertwine with the natural or familiar as is expected. It points directly to the soul and spirit of man, rather than the physical world or side of man. This entire activity is built around the world of perception.
It is in the world of perception then, that these affects the meditative and thought realm of man. Even though man cannot outside of God stir himself. The active process seems to take place when all of his faculties are harmoniously brought together and remaining undisturbed. this is called rest. It is not the cessation of life nor a state of inactivity but where he harmonious working of all his faculties and affections-including his will, heart, imagination and conscience-each has found the ideal sphere In God for development and satisfaction.


Michael Lattiboudeaire
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